Monday, March 19, 2012

Learn Chinese Idiom - 目中无人(mù zhōnɡ wú rén)be supercilious;be overweening

mù zhōnɡ wú rén
目 中    无 人 
to one's eyes there is no other; care for nobody; treat others with contempt; put on airs and look down on other people; consider everyone beneath one's notice; having no respect for anyone; look down one's nose at everyone; be supercilious; be overweening; get [grow] too big for one's boots; far gone in pride; with one's nose in the air; proud and haughty;

mù : yǎn jinɡ
目 : 眼  睛  eye 

wú : méi yǒu
无 : 没  有  have no

mù zhōnɡ wú rén , yì si shì yǎn jinɡ lǐ méi yǒu bié rén ;
目 中    无 人  , 意 思 是  眼  睛   里 没  有  别  人  ;
It means there is no other in one's eyes;

xínɡ rónɡ ɡāo ào zì dà , qīnɡ shì tā rén , bù zūn zhònɡ tā rén 。
形   容   高  傲 自 大 , 轻   视  他 人  , 不 尊  重    他 人  。
It describs someone is supercilious,treat others with contempt,do not respect others.

For instance:

xiǎo mínɡ dānɡ shànɡ le jīnɡ lǐ , jiù kāi shǐ mù zhōnɡ wú rén le !
小   明   当   上    了 经   理 , 就  开  始  目 中    无 人  了 !
Xiaoming started to be on the high ropes after he was chosen as the manager!

tā yǐ wéi zì jǐ zhǎnɡ dé piào liɑnɡ jiù mù zhōnɡ wú rén le !
她 以 为  自 己 长    得 漂   亮    就  目 中    无 人  了 !
She is supercilious because she thinks she is much beautiful(than other girls)!

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