Thursday, January 26, 2012

初五开始迎春节返程高峰 Starts to welcome the peak-hour of return from the fifth of the Spring Festival

jīn tiān shì chū wǔ ,
今  天   是  初  五 ,
It's the fifth day of the Spring Festival,

hěn duō fǎn xiānɡ de rén kāi shǐ huí shēn zhèn le 。
很  多  返  乡    的 人  开  始  回  深   圳   了 。
Most people who went back to their hometown are starting to come back to Shenzhen.

hěn duō ɡōnɡ sī chū qī kāi shǐ shànɡ bān 。
很  多  公   司 初  七 开  始  上    班  。
Most company starts to work on the seventh of the Spring Festival,

fǎn xiānɡ
返  乡 
go back to hometown. 

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