Tuesday, January 31, 2012

税 n.tax,duty 缴税to pay tax/duty 偷税,漏税,逃税to evade tax(tax evasion)

n. tax,duty

tōu shuì
偷  税 
to evade tax(tax evasion)

lòu shuì
漏  税 
to evade tax(tax evasion)

táo shuì
逃  税  
to evade tax(tax evasion)

jiǎo shuì
缴   税 
to pay tax(duty)

tōu shuì / lòu shuì / táo shuì yě shì yì zhǒnɡ fàn fǎ 。
偷  税   / 漏  税   / 逃  税   也 是  一 种    犯  法 。
Tax evasion is also a crime.

fàn fǎ
犯  法
v.to break the law; n. crime

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