Sunday, December 23, 2012

Learn Chinese Idioms: 落叶归根Fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one's origin.

落叶归根 [luò yè guī gēn]
Fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one's origin.

落 to fall,to decline


归  to return,to go back to

根  n.root;origin

For instance

shù ɡāo qiān chǐ , luò yè ɡuī ɡēn 。
树  高  千   尺  , 落  叶 归  根  。
Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.

Kian hé wǒ zuò wéi xué zhě ,
Kian 和 我 作  为  学  者  ,

běn ké yǐ zài xī fānɡ ɡuó jiā ɡuò zhe xián shì de shēnɡ huó ,
本  可 以 在  西 方   国  家  过  着  闲   适  的 生    活  ,
Both Kian and I could have enjoyed comfortable lives as academics in the west,

kě shì wǒ men dōu xuǎn zé le “ luò yè ɡuī ɡēn ” 。
可 是  我 们  都  选   择 了 “ 落  叶 归  根  ” 。
but instead we both decided to return to our roots.

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