Sunday, July 8, 2012

Learn a Chinese word - 养眼 yangyan good-looking,beautiful,easy on the eyes,fits eye

yǎnɡ yǎn
养   眼 
eye candy,good-looking,beautiful,easy on the eyes,Literally "fits eye".

For instance

tā de nǚ pénɡ you zhēn shì yǎnɡ yǎn !
他 的 女 朋   友  真   是  养   眼  !
His girlfriend is really good-looking(gorgeous)!

zhè tiáo qún zi kàn zhe hěn yǎnɡ yǎn 。
这  条   裙  子 看  着  很  养   眼  。
This dress looks beautiful.

zhè zhānɡ zhuō miàn bì zhǐ hěn yǎnɡ yǎn !
这  张    桌   面   壁 纸  很  养   眼  !
This desktop wallpaper is very beautiful!

zhuō miàn
桌   面  
n. desktop

bì zhǐ
壁 纸 
n. wallpaper

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