Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A famous Chinese Poem: chūn wànɡ 春望 Spring Yearning


《 chūn wànɡ 》

《 春   望   》                    

Looking at the Springtime


dù fǔ
杜 甫
Du Fu

ɡuó pò shān hé zài ,  
国  破 山   河 在  ,
In fallen States hills and streams are found,
chénɡ chūn cǎo mù shēn      
城    春   草  木 深 
Cities have Spring, grass and leaves abound;
ɡǎn shí huā jiàn lèi     
感  时  花  溅   泪 
Though at such times flowers might drop tears,
hèn bié niǎo jīnɡ xīn 。  
恨  别  鸟   惊   心  。
Parting from mates, birds have hidden fears:
fēnɡ huǒ lián sān yuè , 
烽   火  连   三  月  ,
The beacon fires have now linked three moons,

jiā shū dǐ wàn jīn 。 
家  书  抵 万  金  。
Making home news worth ten thousand coins;

bái tóu sāo ɡènɡ duǎn ,  
白  头  搔  更   短   , 
An old grey head scratched at each mishap

hún yù bú shènɡ zān 。
浑  欲 不 胜    簪  。
Has dwindling hair, does not fit its cap!

This is one of the most famous poems in Chinese, by one of China's greatest poets,Du Fu. He lived through a time of brilliant flourishing of the arts, then turmoil and disaster, when the formerly good ruler, Tang emperor Xuanzong, fell in love with his son's wife Yang Guifei, forgot his responsibilities, and eventually was driven into exile by rebels. After years of warfare, he eventually remounted the throne, but the Tang dynasty never recovered its prosperity.

《春望》         Spring Gaze
作者:杜甫   Author:Du Fu               

国破山河在,Nation broken mountain river exist 
城春草木深  City-wall spring grass tree deep   
感时花溅泪  Feel times flower sprinkle tears  
恨别鸟惊心Hate parting bird alarm heart 
烽火连三月,Beacon fire consecutive three month
家书抵万金。Family letter worth ten-thousand gold-pieces
白头搔更短,White hair scratch more short 
浑欲不胜簪。Quite about-to not bear hairpin 

chūn wànɡ 》   Spring Yearning
zuò zhědù fǔ  Author:Du Fu                  

ɡuó pò shān hé zài ,     The country is destroyed but hills and rivers remain;
chénɡ chūn cǎo mù shēn    In the city, spring, with trees and plants thick.
ɡǎn shí huā jiàn lèi      In sorrow at the time, the flowers are splashed with tears;
hèn bié niǎo jīnɡ xīn 。  In grief at separation, the birds alarm the heart.
fēnɡ huǒ lián sān yuè ,  Beacon fires have linked three months;
jiā shū dǐ wàn jīn 。     Family letters are worth ten thousand pieces.
bái tóu sāo ɡènɡ duǎn ,  My white hair, through scratching, is still shorter; 
hún yù bú shènɡ zān 。    It very nearly fails to support my hairpin.

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