Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tang Poems 古诗 #李白《#夜宿山寺》Staying the Night at a Mountain Temple with Pinyin lyrics and English Translation


Tang Poems 古诗 《夜宿山寺》Staying the Night at a Mountain Temple with Pinyin lyrics and English Translation

Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Email us: to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :) #SingTangPoems #跟爸爸妈妈一起唱唐诗 #唐诗 #中国古诗 #Chinese Tang Peoms #夜宿山寺 #Staying the Night at a Mountain Temple #ChineseShortStories #withCartoon #ShortStoriesForKidsInChinese #OnlineChineseClassesForBeginners #OnlineChineseClassesForKids #OnlineConversationChinese

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Let's write a Christmas greetings card for our friends in Chinese


#SpokenChinese #中文口语练习 #Christmas

Sunday, June 18, 2023

10句中国网络上最新最流行的用语-10 popular recent Chinese internet slangs

10句中国网络上最新最流行的用语 -10 popular recent Chinese internet slangs Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :) #ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #oneononechineselessononlineforbeginners #PopularChineseInternetSlangs 1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids Online Chinese lessons for Adults Online Chinese class for Beginners Chinese lessons for Kids Online Chinese Course online for Teens

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

#Handicrafts #Clay making #weddingdress #粘土制作 #长月烬明 #叶夕雾 #黎苏苏 #白鹿 #长月烬明...


#Handicrafts #Clay making #weddingdress #粘土制作 #长月烬明 #叶夕雾 #黎苏苏 #白鹿 #长月烬明叶夕雾澹台烬大婚 "可我…还爱…你…" #shorts
Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :)
#ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #OneOnOneChineseLessonOnlineForBeginners
1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids
Online Chinese lessons for Adults
Online Chinese class for Beginners
Chinese lessons for Kids Online
Chinese Course online for Teens

Monday, April 17, 2023

身体部位词 - Body Parts in Chinese with lots fun practical sample Chinese sentences

身体部位词-Body Parts in Chinese

#BodyPartsInChinese #汉语表达 #身体部位 with lots of practical example sentences
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1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids
Online Chinese lessons for Adults
Online Chinese class for Beginners
Chinese lessons for Kids Online
Chinese Course online for Teens

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Learn Chinese Grammar: 一。。。就。。。 as soon as

How do you say "as soon as" in Chinese?

 #一就 #AsSoonAsInChinese #LearnChineseGrammar

Learn Chinese Grammar:

yī 一。。。 。。 。 jiù就 。 。。。。 。 soon as....

#一就 #AsSoonAsInChinese #LearnChineseGrammar #汉语语法

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比如: #一听就懂 #一学就会 #一点就通



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1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids

Online Chinese lessons for Adults

Online Chinese class for Beginners

Chinese lessons for Kids

Online Chinese Course online for Teens


Friday, March 24, 2023

Have you ever tried Chinese Claypot Rice #煲仔饭?

Have you ever tried Chinese Claypot Rice #煲仔饭?

They can cook so many pots at the same time :)
真的很好吃!And it's really good!
我喜欢吃脆脘排骨煲仔饭 Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :) #ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #OneOnOneChineseLessonOnlineForBeginners 1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids Online Chinese lessons for Adults Online Chinese class for Beginners Chinese lessons for Kids Online Chinese Course online for Teens

Monday, March 20, 2023

Basic Chinese Words with Pinyin and Pictures for Beginners 2

#BasicChineseWordsForBeginners #汉语初学者的基础词汇2 
Learn lots of Chinese verbs from the video: 
擦wipe,拖mop,给give,用use,需要need,洗wash,弄丢lost,带bring/take,捡到pick up,掉drop,买buy,拍照take a photo,付钱to pay,吃eat,写write,忘了forgot,以防just in case,etc.

A funny Chinese saying: 哇哦!有两把刷子!Awesome!
Basic Chinese Words with Pinyin and Pictures for Beginners2 汉语初学者的基础词汇2
Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online.
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#BasicChineseWordsForBeginners #汉语初学者的基础词汇2
1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids
Online Chinese lessons for Adults
Online Chinese class for Beginners
Chinese lessons for Kids Online
Chinese Course online for Teens

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Learn Chinese Grammar- A Chinese Adverb 简直

 #LearnChineseGrammar- #ChineseAdverb #简直

#hsktest #HSKVocabulary#shorts
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Monday, February 27, 2023

HSK4 Standard Course - HSK4级标准教程上-Lesson 01-Chapter3 HSK Standard Course Level 4 covers about 600 words and the detailed explanations of 100 language points and 20 groups of confusable phrases. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to make conversations on a wide range of topics in Chinese and fluently communicate with native Chinese speakers.Gain an intermediate knowledge of the Chinese language to build your confidence to take the HSK level 4 test. Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :) HSK4 Standard Course - HSK4级标准教程上-Lesson 01-Chapter3 Grammar in this chapter: #不仅。。。。而且/也,还 #从来 , 从来只, 从来不, 从来没 #ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #OneOnOneChineseLessonOnlineForBeginners 1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids Online Chinese lessons for Adults Online Chinese class for Beginners Chinese lessons for Kids Online Chinese Course online for Teens

Sunday, February 5, 2023

HSK Standard Course Level 4 - HSK4级标准教程上-Lesson 01-Chapter2

HSK Standard Course Level 4 - HSK4级标准教程上-Lesson 01-Chapter2 HSK Standard Course Level 4 covers about 600 words and the detailed explanations of 100 language points and 20 groups of confusable phrases. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to make conversations on a wide range of topics in Chinese and fluently communicate with native Chinese speakers.Gain an intermediate knowledge of the Chinese language to build your confidence to take the HSK level 4 test.
Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :) #ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #OneOnOneChineseLessonOnlineForBeginners 1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids Online Chinese lessons for Adults Online Chinese class for Beginners Chinese lessons for Kids Online Chinese Course online for Teens

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Changing face of Peking Opera Show - 京剧变脸秀 表情中文 #shorts

Changing face of Peking Opera Show #京剧变脸秀 #表情中文 

#BeijingOpera #hsktest #HSKVocabulary #3800UsefulChineseSentences #shorts 
Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :)

 #ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #OneOnOneChineseLessonOnlineForBeginners 
1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids 
Online Chinese lessons for Adults 
Online Chinese class for Beginners 
Chinese lessons for Kids 
Online Chinese Course online for Teens

Friday, December 9, 2022

Chinese Words about World Cup - 世界杯相关的中文表达

#ChineseWordsAboutWorldCup #世界杯相关的中文表达
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#HSKTest #HSKVocabulary #3800UsefulChineseSentences
#ChineseGrammar #2022世界杯

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Being quarantined at home for 5 days now in Guangdong province of China.

Waken up at 2:30am midnight by nurses and doctors and got covid tested in Guangdong province of China.I will be quarantined at home for 7+3 days.

Meanwhile,every morning,government staffs come to my house and get me tested,tests are free charge.

We can buy food,daily supplies online,delievery guys deliever it to our neighbourhoods' gate,and then goverment staffs passed me it.

昨晚2:30被敲门叫醒做核酸 #shorts Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly


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1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids
Online Chinese lessons for Adults
Online Chinese class for Beginners
Chinese lessons for Kids Online
Chinese Course online for Teens

汉语分级阅读Chinese Leveled Reading Books-Level 1-Ep3 有意思的大小多少 #shorts

#汉语分级阅读 Chinese Leveled Reading Books-Level 1-Ep3 #有意思的大小多少 #shorts Welcome to sign up for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 Chinese lessons online. Contact us by email: (to book a trial Chinese lesson instantly :)

关键词 Keywords:
#ChineseGrammar #ChineseHSKTestsPrepClasses #OneOnOneChineseLessonOnlineForBeginners 1-to-1 Chinese Class Online for kids Online Chinese lessons for Adults Online Chinese class for Beginners Chinese lessons for Kids Online Chinese Course online for Teens